Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I come up with this article, in the middle of my Comprehensive Examinations.. (thanks to the long power cut and intolerable heat of Pilani ), wherein I have questioned two aspects of two different countries – INDIA and USA on terrorism.. Has US really done justice in killing Osama ? And why is India keeping Kasab alive ? Please read and tell what do you feel..

So finally USA found out the most wanted terrorist of the world – Mr. Bin Laden and US President Mr. Obama says “Justice is done”.
Although I am happy to know that Osama is no more, but there is one thing that should be realized, i.e. – “Is what they have done - JUSTICE ?”
Look at these figures -
The attack by Laden was achieved with 19 hijackers and an Investment of $500,000.
It caused near about 3000 Americans to die and a loss of US $40 Billion. (Clever Osama, I must say…)
But to take the revenge – it costed USA – lives of 6000 soldiers, injuries to around 55,000 (these were mostly americans) and infinite no. of civilians (who were killed for no fault of theirs). And what was the money spent in carrying out this operation ? 1.3 Trillion US Dollars…. That is 30 times the loss caused by the attack. Its alright that the revenge is taken but what has USA achieved?
To take revenge of 3000 civillian’s death, you killed 6,000 soldiers of your own and to take revenge of a loss of around 40 billion, you spent 1.3 trillion. And after all this have you stopped Terrorism ? I don’t think so.
Killing of Osama might be justified but killing of so many soldiers and spending so much money is not justified.. I personally think that if these 1.3 trillion would have been spent on other areas.. US surely would have achieved more than this...

Although there is one thing in this incident which I liked about USA. They kept searching for the man who attacked their country, for 10 long years, and the moment they found him, they shot him right in the center of his head. 40 minutes.. just 40 minutes and the game was over.. in just one bullet..
While we Indians, who have red-handedly caught Kasab, attacking our country, have kept him alive for so many years and are spending almost the same amount to feed him that the US spent to kill their traitor. We are waiting for first the lower order courts, then the high court, then supreme court, and then finally the president to prove him guilty. (which will take atleast 10 more years considering the speed with which our President is taking these cases – The man who attacked the Parliament of our country has not been punished even after 9 years of catching him).

So on one side, a country spends trillions of US Dollars for ten long years to find their traitor and kills him on the spot on finding him..and on the other side, a country who catches their traitor red handed for FREE.. isn’t ready to kill him without spending trillions on keeping him alive for 10 more years. Who is right and who has forged a false definition of justice and righteousness? If only the answers were so easy!


  1. Hmm...Interesting and a valid approach, and a very justified and rational analysis of the two situations, but as said right at the end, the answer is not so easy! Yet, commendable approach :)

  2. A very thought provoking one .There aren't any answers to the questions raised, but just a pool of certain unanswered unjustified thoughts. A thought which just came to my mind is - "Are we winners to curb terrorism by bearing such great losses or are we losers ultimately by losing all in the end !?" A perfect irony :)

  3. Enlightening! Indeed questions whose answers fall in grey areas

  4. all this said and done...USA's policy of spending that $1.3 trillion was also to make sure no more 40 billions are actually lost from their country..
    we haven't heard of a single terrorist attack on US since the 9/11 attack...
    Just a thought...but nice compilation
    Way to go!!!!!

  5. yes m agreed with vasu as there are news dat laden was plannig for anoder 9/11 dis year n dis one wud b more destructing dan previous one....n i think India also follow America in this...just go n shoot d terrorists in Pakistan....

  6. Very thoughtful indeed but Equating Osama to Kasab or for that matter a comparision of both the cases doesn't seem to help us reach a conclusion. Both the countries have done what one could say keeping in view their interests. As far as 26/11 is considered we still need to make inroads to the terror central and keeping kasab alive is very crucial for the same. One would understand if he thinks why the governemnt is spending so much on this single person. Let us(Indians in general) not simply blame our government.
