Monday, November 26, 2012

Kasab's Hanging : Right or Wrong ?

I have been reading a lot of posts regarding why is India celebrating the death of Kasab? A lot of people are against the death penalty given to Kasab. And the most recent one about whom I read is a retired Supreme Court Judge, who wrote an article in The Hindu.

But these so called fans of Human Rights should note that the case of Kasab is different. It is different from that of the case of Indira Gandhi’s or Rajiv Gandhi’s murderers. . For, I can see a reason in murdering the Prime Minister or Chief Minister of your country. Though it might be wrong, yet there might be a personal vendetta, just like there was one in case of Udham Singh. It is different from the case of the guy who killed his family. For, there can be some helplessness behind the reason, why one had to murder his own family.

But there can be no personal reason for open firing on a railway station and killing innocent people, as was the case of Kasab. He had no relationship with those people, direct or indirect. Even though you might say that he was brain washed to do so in the name of religion. But I believe that no one can be foolish enough to kill innocent people in the name of God or Allah.
And if there are still such foolish people, then his killing will send a strong message to those, to not to follow his footsteps.

And he was hanged for there was no reason in his life. He had no remorse, whatsoever. When asked by the court, that if given a chance, would he repeat what he did, he shamelessly replied in a Yes. And as far as the Human Right Activists are concerned, they should be happy that he was given a painless death, unlike the treatment given in muslim countries. 

They say not to rejoice at Kasab’s death, but to rejoice when the birth of lakhs of Kasab stops. But I say that rejoice his death, because we have killed a demon. And by killing him, we have killed if not lakhs, then at least thousands of those, who thought that they would get away after getting such a heinous crime.


  1. totally in sync with you
    and for the so called "human rights activist" where
    were they when thousand of people(especially females)die due to domestic voilence.

  2. So you do not believe in hate the sin, not the sinner? His death is justified, but rejoicing seems naive. Its not an achievement for us. He was nothing but a small player in a huge game. Killing him serves no purpose.

    1. If hate the sin and not the sinner then why even jail him ?
      And agree he was just a pawn. But with pawns like him removed, king's days are not too many..

  3. I do not oppose the arrest or the death penalty. Its a protocol, rule, law that has to be followed. But celebrating it is inappropriate.

  4. The retired SC judge also wrote that by hanging Kasaab, a country of Gandhi and Nehru has proved its impotence in transforming the hearts of people. I think he has forgotten that Gandhi let British to hang Bhagat Singh and Nehru made the same arrangements for Nathuram Godse. Kasaab was not even a citizen of India so why do we take the responsibility of transforming him.
